It’s no secret that one of our most sought-after morning offerings (beside coffee of course) has become our homemade sausage rolls. Enjoyed hot or cold, they are that perfect savoury pick-me-up that gets the day off to the right tune.
Earlier this year, Coffee Can chef Gareth volunteered to take on the role of making our sausage rolls in-house, and we couldn’t be more thankful for it. But today, we wanted to introduce you to the most elevated version of these sausage rolls that are selling out before we even get the chance to shout about them – introducing the Coffee Can Festive Sausage Roll.
A pork and stuffing filling, wrapped in buttery flaky puff pastry… have we got you drooling yet?

Our neighbours next door to our Secrett’s site are Black Barn Butchers. Since moving into Secrett’s, we’ve formed a wonderful alliance with the team and this very much helped us start the ball rolling on the concept of making a festive sausage roll. The butchers told us that they’d be able to alter the regular sausage meat order we get from them to include pockets of delicious stuffing. Textbook Christmas flavours of sage and parsley – we were off on a great start.
Meanwhile back in our prep kitchen, we (used royally – it is Gareth making them 100% of the time) begin our side of the cooking process by cooking off onions until they turn translucent and lose their sharp acidity. We leave them to cool, and then add our pork and stuffing mix to the pot and mix thoroughly. By adding in onions to the mix, we ensure that the stuffing element of the sausage roll doesn’t run the risk of making the filling dry.
Then, we get our pastry out of the fridge and begin the assembly. It’s important that the pastry is kept as cold as possible, because we don’t want the butter that’s layered within it to begin melting outside of the oven before the flour gets a chance to puff. A neat tuck, score of the top and the sausage rolls are ready for the oven. Not too soon: they need to have a double-washing with egg yolk first to really make that pastry crisp, and a quick sprinkling of poppyseeds on top for a little crunch.
And just like that, the Coffee Can Festive Sausage Roll has been born. Available throughout December at both Secrett’s and The Green.